Schools and colleges

Find information on how to get to your school or college as well as bus and tram ticket information, tips on safer travel and how to apply for a concessionary travel pass.

School bus services

Services and timetables available for the school year of 2023/24.

Find your school >

7 Day child tickets

Find out if you could save money each week with a 7 day child ticket.  
Discover tickets available > 

Child passes

No need to pay full adult fare. Find out about school bus passes available and great value child fares. 

Find out if you can apply > 

Your first journey

Catching the bus to school for the first time? We've some helpful tips to make your first journey easier.  Prepare for your first journey >

Staying Safe

Tips for staying safe whilst travelling to or from school on your bus, tram or train.
Find out more on staying safe >

Behaviour onboard

The Youth Charter explains your roles and responsibilities when using public transport, as well as letting you know what you can expect from travel providers across South Yorkshire. Read more >

Resources to use

Zoom Travel Pass letters, posters and images for teachers and staff to download and use.
Download Zoom Travel Pass resources >